A Science Based Holistic Approach to Mental Health & Happiness

 Utilising Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy, Mindfulness, CBT, Compassion Focussed Therapy, Solution Focussed Therapy, & Coaching.

Online Therapy With Susan

Welcome. My name is Susan, I am a warm and friendly therapist with a holistic approach to talking therapies, hypnotherapy, & coaching. This approach considers the whole person - your physical, mental and emotional health, and uses a combination of theoretical approaches best suited to assist you and your life. This places me in a wonderful position where I am continuously able to help people turn their lives around, and I would love to help you do this too.


I utilise a variety of clinically proven techniques within this approach, such as, Positive Psychology, Mindfulness, Compassion Focussed Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Solution-Focused Therapy, to help people make significant positive changes within a relatively short period of time. If you would like hypnotherapy these techniques can be combined with Hypnosis, which is merely a natural trance state of deep relaxation where the mind becomes more receptive to suggestion, which can assist the whole process of change to be just that bit easier.


An advantage of this approach to therapy is that you do not have to go into depth about your problems or give specific details if you do not wish to, knowledge of the solutions you seek is sufficient. The only necessity is your desire to succeed. Whatever brings you to see me, anxiety,  stress, depression, or something totally different such as those in the column on the right, my aim is always to enable you to develop your own inner resources to bring about lasting positive change.

Susan Bellew BSc (Hons) MSc MBPsS DHP 


Although this is an online service, the Name ‘Talking Therapies Bristol’ lets you know where I am based as well as an indication of what I do here. We will talk, research shows us that, talking increases your bonds with other people and sustains mental health. The Oxford dictionary defines therapy as a process which is “intended to relieve or heal,” thus, with talking therapy, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy, negative thoughts and feelings can be turned around. Talking therapy or hypnotherapy with Susan simply involves talking, relaxing and making gentle and gradual positive change.


My intention is always to listen to my clients, valuing what they say, keeping their best interests at heart and taking the lead from them as to what they want to gain from sessions.

I offer a free, no obligation, initial consultation (about 1 hour), where we can meet each other, discuss any issues you bring, how hypnotherapy/life coaching/talking therapies can help and what it would involve. You can then go away and decide in your own space if you would like to come back for some guided assistance.

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Appointments are available: Tuesday - Thursday 10 am – 9 pm

Whilst Talking Therapies Bristol is located just off Henleaze road, Bristol, England,  all sessions are actually carried out via Zoom, Skype or FaceTime.

For more information, to make an enquiry or to book an initial consultation, please

Telephone Susan on 07860771311 or email me here 

Prices can be seen here     


Life is what you make it, and with talking therapy or hypnotherapy with Susan you can improve your life for the better. Wonderfully and simply it can enable you to feel better about both yourself and the world around you.


You’ve read the webpage...you’re giving it some thought...Still unsure?...

Want to know more about me or more about what hypnotherapy is explore other webpages following the links above or to the right for much more information or

Just call Susan for an informal brief chat or Email me via the contact me page


For a free, no obligation, Initial Consultation - Contact me

Hypnotherapy and Talking Therapies use gentle and powerful psychotherapeutic tools, which can be used to help break the negative cycle of:

As well as  speciality programs for:

Appearance Concerns

Body Dysmorphia

Building Self-Compassion

Business Coaching 

Enhancing Core Strengths



Increasing your Happiness

I.V.F. Support Program

Life coaching 

Hypnotherapy for Perimenopause and Menopause - 6 Week Course                        Mindful Meditation                                                          Mindfulness Course, One-To-One - 9 Weeks

Raising Self Esteem 

Sleep difficulties and Insomnia

Weight loss 

Worry and Anxiety


All Sessions are

online via 


or if you prefer

via Skype

or Facetime.

Please contact me for details.